Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island

Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's Island - Super Nintendo SNES

Alors que Rayman pointait le bout de son nez sur 32-bits, et qu'on parlait déjà avec envie de Super Mario 64, c'est finalement sur Super Nintendo que le petit monde de la plate-forme voit sortir son nouveau maître étalon. Yoshi's Island sera parvenu à apporter un certain renouveau dans la série des Mario, et son audace a payé. Aussi maniable que ses pères, le titre avait pour atout une réalisation pastel très esthétique et tout un tas de nouvelles idées de gameplay, comme la gestion des ?ufs avec lesquels Yoshi pouvait viser et dégommer ses ennemis. L'un des derniers titres forts de la machine.

Note : 5/5

Year : 1995

Genre : Action

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1997 -


Mario is a video game character who has become Nintendo's mascot, easily recognizable by his mustache, his overalls, his white gloves and his red cap marked with an M in a white circle. Born from the imagination of game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, he is Italian-American; he appeared for the first time in 1981, in the game Donkey Kong, under the name of Jumpman, but since 1985 it is the hit series of Super Mario that has made him a global phenomenon and one of the emblematic characters of the video game. Since then, Mario has accompanied all the consoles of Nintendo. The games of the Super Mario series have played an important role in the evolution of the platform game, which they regularly renew the codes. Several episodes have marked the video game, including the first game, Super Mario Bros. (NES, 1985), which for over twenty-three years has been the best-selling game, with more than 40 million cartridges sold (dethroned by Wii Sports in 2008), or its first appearance in 3D, Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64 , 1996). Over the years, Mario's character has appeared in other types of games, such as the racing game (Mario Kart), the fighting game (Super Smash Bros.), or the role play (Super Mario RPG).