
Claymates - Super Nintendo SNES

Clay animation will never be the same now that Professor Potty has bagged by the evil witch doctor Jobo. It's up to Professor Putty's son Clayton to set things right. With the help of Dad's super secret invention, young Clayton can transform into one of five different animals as he sets of to rescue. Grab the hidden pieces of clay and "poof" - you can change just in the nick of time. Tons of levels and power-ups take this 'round-the-world adventure straight to the 100! As an added bonus, Claymates features bonus games between levels. Climb a tree, dig your way through underground caverns, soar through the air, accelerate to unimaginable speeds and explore the ocean depths - nobody is going to gobble this guppy!

Note : 0/5

Year : 1994

Genre : Platformer

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1997 -